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How to Train for an Ultra Marathon

Training for an ultramarathon is no small feat. These grueling events can test even the most experienced runners, and often require months of preparation. However, with the right mindset and training plan, anyone can get themselves ready for an ultramarathon. The first step is to build up your hiking and walking endurance. If you’re not used to spending hours on your feet, start by slowly increasing the distance and time you spend hiking and walking. Once you’re comfortable hiking for long periods of time, you can start incorporating marathon training into your routine. This means gradually increasing your mileage until you’re able to run the entire ultramarathon distance. ultramarathons are notoriously challenging, but with the proper preparation, they can be an immensely rewarding experience.

I’ve chosen to sign up for the Antelope Canyon 55k Ultramarathon in Paige, Arizona in March 2023. These canyons are immensely picturesque with iconic landscapes painting the horizon. There are several other distances to choose from including a half-marathon and a 100-miler.

Available distances:
– 100 Mile
– 50 Mile
– 55K
– Half Marathon

Learn more about the race and sign-up here: https://geni.us/antelopecanyon

The equipment you use while training and training are super important. I can’t stress enough how important your shoes are for your body and overall health. The wrong shoes can drastically impact your race and your experience. I prefer Hoka One One for long-distance runs and hikes because they give my super high arches all the comfort and support that I need.

Hoka One One Racing Shoes: https://geni.us/7qww

For shorter distances, I love my Mizunos! I call them my Ferraris because they are fast and light and they look sexy as hell. https://geni.us/2USaB

I’ve put together some great products to help you train for your next race including hydration packs, socks that won’t give you blisters, clothes that won’t chafe, etc. https://geni.us/6GeTF

Full Disclosure: If you click on any of the links in my post, I may earn commissions from qualified sales. Thank you for your support!

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